скачать Simplexhacks v5.0 для css (v64 v65 v66 v67 v68 v69 v70) бесплатно - читы для css v34
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скачать чит Simplexhacks v5.0 для css Проверял на Windows 764 bit Steam 64 патч
Рекомендуемые системные требования: Windows 7 / Windows Vista / Windows XP - 32bit Windows 7 / Windows Vista / Windows XP - 64bit .NET Framework 3.5
Функции: Kernel Protection (Ring0) - 32bit Only. Advanced Hiding + Polymorphism + Runtime Encryption - 64bit Advanced -based access Protection (Anti-Leak) 100% VAC2/Detox/ZBlock Proofness Fully customizable ingame GUI. Aimbot: Aiming Spot - Head / Neck / Chest / Lower Chest Aimbot Enabled - Enable/Disable the Aimbot Aiming Key - Activate Aimbot with ( Mouse Left , Mouse Right , Mouse 3 , Mouse 4 , Mouse 5) Silent Aim - Removes aiming and causes aimbot to appear invisible on your screen only. Auto Shoot - Aim&Shoot when the Enemy is Visible. Aim FOV - The Field of View within the Aimbot is active. Aim Smooth - Reduce the Aimbots Speed. Anti-Spawn Protection - Aimbot will not shoot at players who are spawn protected. Movement Prediction - Aimbot Prediciton based on the Movement/Speed of the Enemy. Triggerbot: Trigger Level - 1=(If Corsshair is over the Enemy) / 2=(If the predicted bullet will hit the Target) Trigger Key - Activate Triggerbot with ( Mouse Left , Mouse Right , Mouse 3 , Mouse 4 , Mouse 5) Trigger Always - Activates the Triggerbot without setting a key. ESP: Health ESP - Draws a visual Healthbar on players. Box ESP - Draws a Box on the players. Bone ESP - Draws the players bones. Visible ESP - Draws a Yellow box on visible Players. Name ESP - Draws the name of player above. Misс: NoRecoil - Removes the Gun Recoil. NoSpread - Removes the Bullet Spread. Bunnyhop - Hold down Space and keep jumping. AutoPistol - Holds down the pistol trigger. No Flash - Removes Flashbang effect. No Smoke - Removes smokes / Rain. Crosshair - Choose from 3 different Crosshairs.
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